It was a spring day in grade four class, and we went out on
a field trip. We took public transit
there and back. On our way back to
school, I remember talking to my friends and classmates, Timmy and Kim.
The doors opened at our stop, but because Timmy and Kim were
not getting off, I assumed that it was not the stop I was suppose to
disembark. The three of us stayed on
that streetcar until it got emptier and emptier.
Finally, the streetcar pulled into a subway station and I
got scared. Nobody else from our school
was on the streetcar anymore. Everybody
was leaving the streetcar, and the three of us were obviously lost.
We walked around for several minutes. I’m not sure what we said to each other. Suddenly, a teacher yelled our names in the
distance. She was very upset, and
screamed at us for getting lost.
I didn’t think it was my fault. I’m legally blind, and I was just staying
with people I recognized. Isn’t that the
best way to stay safe?
The three of us along with the teacher took a taxi home. I thought everything would be OK, but when we
got back to school, the teacher told us that the taxi was nine dollars and that
each of us would be responsible for three dollars each.
At this point, I was very scared. How was I suppose to come up with $3? Why wasn’t the teacher at least chipping into
the fare?
And what would my parents think of I tell them this
story? Would I be punished even further?
I ended up being upset all day. I didn’t tell anybody else the story. When my allowance was given to me a week
later, I took $3 (out of the $5 total) and gave it to the teacher.
As I reflect back upon the situation, I think very poorly of
that teacher. Could a teacher not afford
$9 to pay for a taxi on behalf of three students who got lost? Couldn’t there at least be a follow-up
conversation about the situation and help us understand what happened so not to
repeat the same mistakes?
It seems that nothing was said about it anymore. Everything was swept under the rug as if
nothing happened. I was just out $3 and
felt horrible.
This situation has come to my mind many times over the
years. I don’t know why I remember this,
and why it comes up over and over in my mind.
What possible benefit could this situation provide for me in my life?
Childhood Story
I was seven years old, and for one of the first times, one
of my sisters brought a fresh box of donuts for the family to enjoy. We had a big family and we were poor, so
everyone only got a small piece of a donut.
It was so delicious.
Wow. Scrumptious. So different, yet so tasty. But so little? It was gone before I knew it.
One donut was saved for somebody who wasn’t home. It might have been saved for my brother,
which I thought was unfair. Why are
things always saved for him when he’s never home? I’m home, so I should get privileges.
The donut was kept in the fringe, and I was told not to
touch it. I was specifically warned not
to eat that donut!
That evening, there wasn’t anybody home. I was bored.
I thought to myself, “That was such a good donut. Maybe I could just go smell it!”
I went into the fridge and found that donut in the top
compartment, right underneath the freezer.
I grabbed the donut, then I took a bite out of it. It was so good. I thought that a bite wasn’t a big deal. I left the kitchen and went back to roam
around the apartment.
Then, I couldn’t help myself. I decided to go back into the kitchen have
another bite. It was so good. Then I started to roam around the apartment
This pattern continued until the donut was good. Was I thinking that nobody would notice the
donut gone?
When my mom came home that night, she asked me what happened
with the donut? I don’t remember if I
tried to lie or not, but she knew the truth either way.
I got a big spanking for eat the donut when I was
specifically told not to. I was upset,
and I made my mom upset. Why did I do
this? Was that donut really worth it?
It’s like I was controlled by something or somebody
else. I didn’t want to eat that donut,
but somehow I did. Am I really in
control of my actions? How do I get
myself into these messes?
It seems that life hasn’t changed much into my adulthood.
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