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Thursday, August 1, 2013

If it wasn’t for...

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Hi there everyone!!

If it wasn’t for my friend Dan, encouraging me to run, I wouldn’t have been on the ballot for past provincial by-election.  His insights into politics, and the benefits it would have for us in our personal and professional lives enrolled me into a vision that would affect so many people’s lives.

But, if it wasn’t for my high-school friend, Joseph, I would have never met Dan.  Joseph, only ever met Dan once, at some environmental conference.  Dan spontaneously asked Joseph if he knew any computers programmers, and Joseph automatically recommended me.  And of course, Dan followed-up.

But, if it wasn’t for a debating colleague named Paul, I would never have met Joseph.  See, Paul asked me to be part of an organization called the Youth Science Association, and it was at that organization that I was on the council with Joseph.

But, if it wasn’t for some guy named Michael, I would never have met Paul.  I was standing at a bus stop, and this guy I didn’t really know started talking to me.  He encouraged me to join the debating society.   I was thinking about it, but it wasn’t until this Michael said that he thought I would be good at it.  I believed him, even though I didn’t know him.

But if it wasn’t for my proficiency in computers, I would never have met Michael.  I went to that high-school only because they had the highest level of computer classes in the city (at the time).  I wanted to make it my career, so I was willing to travel two hours a day in order to go to this school.

But if it wasn’t for my grade six teacher, I wouldn’t be so good with technology.  He gave me all sorts of technical manuals, and allowed me extra special time on the computers every school day, just so I could do whatever I wanted on them.

But if it wasn’t for my grade three experience, maybe I would not have been so eager to work on those machines.  We were allowed to choose from all sorts of extracurricular activities... And although I chose and wanted to work on computers, I was denied.  Apparently, they thought I wouldn’t be able to see the screen and would press all the wrong buttons.  I think I’m pressing all the right buttons now.

But if it wasn’t for my dad, I wouldn’t have an opportunity to work on computers or even be in school.  We were born in Pakistan without electricity and running water.  Unless he borrowed money and worked in Canada for three years without seeing his family, I would be living in extreme poverty.

That’s just one particular thread of experiences that have lead through my life up until this moment.  There are many, many threads like this in my life--and in yours, too.  What are some of the things that would never be, if those special chance things would never have happened?  This is another great strategy to bring yourself into appreciation, feeling gratitude for all those things that you may have forgotten about over the years.

Your life is a series of serendipities designed to fulfill your particular destiny.

Let’s love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

P.S. Power of Sharing.

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