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Monday, June 30, 2014

Build Character, Build Success

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The slogan is "Build Character, Build Success"

The 10 Character Traits:
How regularly to you practice these character traits?

1. Respect

Respect love caring honesty trustEven if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.Self-Respect & Discipline Quote...

2. Responsibility

We blame society, but we are society.Your dream job does not exist - you must create it.You are responsbile for your life only.

3. Empathy

Religion Or Empathy?Do you feel alone?We feel too little.

4. Kindness & Caring

Kindness is not an act, it's a lifestyle.Be kind to yourself.Give up if they don't care.

5. Teamwork

Team members must work harder than you...The Success of Teamwork - Henry FordHelen Keller Team Quote

6. Fairness

How to make it fairEquality or Justice?Equality or Equity?

7. Honesty

The Honest Truth!Is this dishonest?Truth is like a Lion...

8. Co-operation

What do you put into giving?Read article on VolunteeringWhen do you give?

9. Integrity

Integrity is watchingSuccessful IntegrityShut up!

10. Perseverance

Persist, Persist, PersistPersistent & Consistent is KeySuccess Circle

These are the values that came to me through my sister who is a teacher -- they are taught to children in our education system. My sister asked me to find great Visual Quotes for each character trait, so these visuals are just my perspective. Here's another values perspective from Joe Tye.

Let's love the world together....

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

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