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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Secrets

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Jingle All The Way!Hey there everyone,

Some people say they apply the law of attraction, and that The Secret isn't anything new to them.

Is that you? That was me.

Then I became sensitive to how I could apply the law of attraction even more rigorously in my life.

The holidays are a prime example of how people say they apply the law of attraction, but really don't. Here are some common things people say:

1. The holidays are all about commercialism and selling products.

The law of attraction says that the more you say that, the more you create it. To me, the holidays are all about giving, sharing, and being joyous. Focus on that. Make the holidays the way you want them to be, not propel what you don't want them to be.

Bad Relatives2. There's no substance or authenticity when we replace "Merry Christmas" with "Season's Greetings!"

One of the major points delivered in The Secret that is often overlooked is that the law of attraction abides to feelings more than it abides to words. In other words, it's not what you say, it is the authentic feeling you have when you say it. Give attention to your feelings, and other people's intentions/emotions, not just their superficial words.

3. Every day is a special day to be alive. Why does our culture put so much investment into one specific occasion?

The power of concentration yields more results. When more people at the same time put their energy on being social and joyful, then more is possible. The law of attraction works even more powerfully in this situation. Focus on the benefit of this concentration of power, instead of asking yourself why everybody doesn't live this way all the time.

Santa True?Really apply the Secret this holiday season, and you will have the best holiday of your life!

Let's love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

P.S. Read more inspiring holiday articles.

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