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Monday, April 1, 2013

6 Distinctions about Distinctions

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We all know that words have power.  We’ve heard the cliché, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”  But what gives our words power?  I submit that it is not just definition, but the context which those words encompass.  Therefore, it is almost impossible to use a thesaurus and replace words that have seemingly exact definitions, for then we have changed the context.

Changing our words changes our context of communication and opens up different possibilities of interpretation.  Communication will likely never be perfect, but striving to achieve common understanding amongst ourselves will lead us through the new communications era.

As stated in "A Dictionary of Distinctions, Volume I", we can attempt to distinguish similar ideas, facts, words, or philosophies.  The foundation of communication begins with words.  And that’s what these articles of distinctions are about.

It should be noted that there are many categories of “distinctions.”
1. Inaccurate
Yes, there are distinctions that may be inaccurate.  When I was in the second grade, we had an opportunity to do some work on computers that had just arrived for the first time.  I was so excited at the possibility of working on them!  Then, I heard that I was not allowed to work on them, because I wouldn’t be able to read the screen because I was blind.  I was disappointed, but life went on.

Ten years later, I was designing the architecture to electronic commerce on the Internet.  The distinction that the school administrator had made about me amongst all my classmates was accurate for them, but inaccurate for the possibility that was created in the future.

I didn’t write any distinctions that I feel are inaccurate in this book, but you may feel that some of them are inaccurate.  And, maybe they are.  Please don’t let that stop you from reading.  Realize that in fact you have great power.  You evaluated a distinction and consciously decided that it is not beneficial for you to adopt it.  That’s a great distinction in itself.  Now, you’ll never let that happen, even by accident.

2. Exaggerated
Stereotypes are a great example of exaggerated distinctions.  Because they might have some ounce of truth in an isolated example, we may take them on by default.  Obviously, that’s not a powerful thing to do.

Sometimes, exaggerating a distinction is useful in driving home a point. We  may notice the exaggeration and dismiss the distinction all together because we feel it is out of integrity.  A better mental exercise may be to notice where we believe the distinction has been exaggerated and create our own line of distinction.

3. Thoughtful
Thoughtful distinctions are just that - thoughtful.  They make us think and ponder.  However, I hope that the distinctions in this book do a lot more than that.  When reading a distinction, also ask the questions: “How has it empowered me?”  Then ask, “How has it touched me?”  And finally, “How has it inspired me?”
4. Empowering
Empowering distinctions give us new ways of being.  They open doors to a new level of communication.  An empowering distinction may cause us to share that distinction with someone else.  An empowering distinction may cause us to experiment with that distinction.

5. Touching
A touching distinction allows us to see more into ourselves.  It may bring up past situations which we see in a different light.  We understand that if we had applied a particular distinction in the past, that our being and self-expression would be completely different.  Something tickles in our stomach.  There is an electric buzz in our heart.  A touching distinction moves us emotionally.  Still, there is even a greater possibility than this.
6. Inspiring
If we are empowered with a powerful distinction, and touched with a loving spirit, we may become inspired to conjure up new ideas, create a new vision for ourselves and our view of life, and take immediate action.  An inspiring distinction will transform our lives.  I’ve always heard that at any moment in time, we can learn or discover a simple distinction that can revolutionize our entire life.

An inspiring distinction can not only change our view of the past and have a compelling future, but alter the way we live in our present.
While I hope that each and every distinction in this book can be an inspiring one for you, I am present to the statistical possibility of that not being the case.  So how can I be in integrity subtitling this book “a Reverse-Thesaurus that Empowers Communication and Creates an Inspirational Life?”  Because while I know that not every distinction will inspire you, I do know that SOME OF THEM WILL.  The question is, will you have the patience not to give up after two or three distinctions?

Every distinction will have an effect on you.  Refer back to this introduction to distinguish which kind of effect it is.

Let's love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

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