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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The woes of my life... (and yours?)

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Hey there everyone!!

Some are impressed that I have over 300+ “freeloaders” in That Free Thing, putting me in the top 25 of the company for acquiring free members.

I feel that having a previous career in information technology has been my secret.  It’s easy for me to create web sites and ad-hoc internet campaigns.  No web masters or technical support calls are necessary.  In fact, with all the money and time I save doing my own computer and web management (not to mention security, automation, analytics, etc.), I thought that I would be doing a lot better by now (after 10 years).  :(

It’s becoming incredibly more challenging to communicate with people over e-mail with all the spam filters and information overload.  That’s why we ask for people’s phone numbers in our campaigns.  Most people require a personal conversation before they will put much effort in considering a opportunity through e-mail.

So, like most professionals today, I spend hours a day calling many people on my list.  Because of my visual impairment, sometimes I misdial numbers.  It happens often enough that I need to double-check every single number I dial (reading/pressing) to make sure I don’t miss anybody accidentally.  This, of course, requires a lot more time for me.

When confirming information with people on the phone, sometimes I read the wrong column or row from my spreadsheet.  You can imagine that this might confuse some people, and it therefore takes me longer to engage and enroll individuals.

Then, after hours of calling (lots of voice mails and phone tag), I start getting a headache and eye strain.  I need to use my computer to read all the information, and I need to sit literally right up against it, almost touching my nose.  All that heat and radiation does get to me, sometimes causing severe migraines.

Las week I had lunch with a friend who reminded me that I never complain about my life challenges.  Complaining rarely helps, but I do share what’s so sometimes through my work (like this).

And, what else am I supposed to do?  Sit on my couch doing nothing?  Look for a job?  LOL.

So, do me a favor, and take the time to check out this thing that could score you lots of free stuff and potential income.

And if you registered already, give me a call at 647-439-5011.  If I can do this, you can do this, and we can love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

P.S. If you haven’t seen the new three-minute intro video, check it out here:

P.P.S. The next newsletter is going to contain the most popular videos our 20,000 subscribers have enjoyed.  Don’t miss it!

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