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Friday, June 18, 2010

I had no choice.

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Hi there everyone!!

As I was mentoring a friend this week, she asked, “How did you have the resilience to persist through everything?”

I said, “I had no choice.”

I burnt my bridges many years ago when I chose not to keep myself employable by keeping my skills in information technology current.  I did explore those bridges about six months ago when I was in a desperate situation.  It seems that many jobs are being exported to India where people can be paid much less than what would be required to employ somebody here.

Others in this situation may find themselves getting customer service jobs... I tried telemarketing.  Working for hours a day in front of a screen that I couldn’t control gave me really bad migraines.  (I suppose I could have used affirmative action policies to request the special large monitor and custom software I now use at home.)

The time and effort that it would take could be worth it had I seen only a telemarketing career in my future.  But the e-mails I get daily from people letting me know the difference I am making for them and their communities has me be constantly reminded of my vision.

What could I have done instead?  Watch TV?  We all know of actors/artists who are waiters simply to survive financially.  I was denied employment at McDonald’s and Tim Horton’s because my lack of sight would prevent me from being effective.

I had no choice but to be doing what I am called to do.

When humanity has no choice but to transform, it will transform.

Let’s love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

P.S. When we have no other choice...

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