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Monday, June 3, 2013

Ready to Listen?

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Hi there everyone!!

What can I say that will make a difference for you?

The answer is, absolutely nothing.

It doesn't matter what I say. What matters is how you listen.

The foundation to everything is how you listen.

There are so many different ways we can listen. Sometimes we think of the cliche‚ of two-ears-and-one-mouth: I'm supposed to listen more often than I talk.

Yet we don't realize how often it is that we are talking, because most of the time that we are talking it is not with out mouth but with our mind. We think that we're listening, but in the back of our mind we're saying stuff to ourselves. Stuff like, "I have other things to do," or "this is too long..."

You could be listening and saying, "Well, that doesn't make sense," or "that doesn't apply to my life," or "that's not applicable to me."

And when you listen from that context, all those things will be true.

When you listen from "How can I use that," "How can I apply that in my life,", or "What can I take from that that I haven't taken before - even though I understand that or heard that before - what about that am I not applying 100% in my life?"

If you listen from that context, all of a sudden, you get so much more.

There will be blog posts that totally distract you from your life, and one recipient may have their day brightened by that same post. At the same time, there may be a post that can totally change the world, and nothing happens.

Again, it's not because of what's said. It's because of what's heard.

So my question to you is, "are you ready to listen?"

Let's love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

P.S. Watch me deliver this in a video, here:

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