Some of you may or may not know that I am actually the leader of a political party. It’s been operating since 2007, and it is all about helping people with disabilities.
When we help people with disabilities, we are helping everybody.
Watch our video status update at the link below, or read the transcript below. You know people through your social networks who would find value in this message, as this message benefits us all.
Let’s love the world together...
*You can make a donation through this web page
(e.g., $414 generates a $300 cash refund
--the refund comes even if you don't pay any taxes at all!)
A disability can happen to anyone, at any time in their lives. More than 15% of Canadians have a disability – including disabilities we cannot see. We have a social services system that tries to do its best but many of the people who need services cannot get access to them.
Here’s the good news: When we help people with disabilities, we are helping everybody.
Welcome. My name is Danish Ahmed, and I am the Leader of the Party for People with Special Needs. Over the last five years we have worked hard to make a difference for families affected by family members with disabilities. We ran in the last two provincial elections, raising awareness by highlighting relevant issues and pointing to solutions that empower everyone in our society.
For example, many people with disabilities are unable to complete their tax returns and get their government benefits, like the HST refund. We have been providing FREE tax return services to ensure that everyone receives all the disability benefits and tax credits they are entitled to. We can do your income tax too, free of charge!
By showing people how they can revise their taxes we have helped families like yours receive over $2.4 million dollars in refunds they would otherwise not have received. Canada's Registered Disability Savings Program is a good news story. This very generous federal program was a result of 5 years of lobbying government by our party members.
Unfortunately, this program is set up in a way that prevents many people with disabilities from being accepted into the program. There is too much bureaucracy and too much paperwork just to make a simple RDSP deposit. We have worked with major banks to help them breakthrough barriers so more Canadians can access the benefits of the RDSP.
We have raised accessibility standards in the government, supported the tenants of social housing, and continue to provide invaluable feedback for issues around transportation, health-care and education.
We have and continue to run our candidates in the provincial elections. By doing so we create pressure on the major parties to listen to issues that are important to people with disabilities and seniors. By raising issues, our ideas get heard, and sometimes implemented by other parties.
We are committed to making a difference for all families affected by family members with disabilities. Our solutions benefit all of society. We are removing barriers and empowering all Canadians to create the best opportunities they can for their lives.
We are the Party for People with Special Needs. When we help people with disabilities, we are helping everybody. Support our party.
Let’s love the world together...
[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary
Leader of the Party for People with Special Needs
P.S. Your Donation costs less due to Ontario Political tax credits!
You can support our movement generously, and for the most part, expect a 75% refund. This comes in the form of an Ontario Political Tax Credit which is refunded in cash at tax time, April of next year.
*You can make a donation through this web page
(e.g., $414 generates a $300 cash refund
--the refund comes even if you don't pay any taxes at all!)
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